Introduction and Requirements


PoCDART requires an AMP stack. This demonstration site is built on Ubuntu 16.04 and is hosted by AWS. This site is set up to provide a demonstration of the final product; the instructions below detail the steps necessary to host this system yourself.

Building a functional PoCDART instance requires root access to the server to install and configure some elements.

Recommended: Purchase a domain and SSL certificate to make access to your site easy to access and secure.


Software Installation

PoCDart primarily relies on these free, open-source software packages:

  1. REDCap for data capture
  2. Shiny Server for data reporting and survey coordination
  3. Drupal for content management and user access

Refer to the PoCDART Software Installation page for more details about installing and configuring the system.


Building your first PoCDART project

A working PoCDART instance includes:

  1. A REDCap project that follows an expected format (link to template)
  2. A shiny app, configured with values specific to your project
  3. A drupal page to serve the page to users

Refer to the PoCDART Building your first project page for more details.

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