PoCDART requires an AMP stack. This demonstration site is built on Ubuntu 16.04 and is hosted by AWS. This site is set up to provide a demonstration of the final product; the instructions below detail the steps necessary to host this system yourself.
Building a functional PoCDART instance requires root access to the server to install and configure some elements.
Recommended: Purchase a domain and SSL certificate to make access to your site easy to access and secure.
Software Installation
PoCDart primarily relies on these free, open-source software packages:
- REDCap for data capture
- Shiny Server for data reporting and survey coordination
- Drupal for content management and user access
Refer to the PoCDART Software Installation page for more details about installing and configuring the system.
Building your first PoCDART project
A working PoCDART instance includes:
- A REDCap project that follows an expected format (link to template)
- A shiny app, configured with values specific to your project
- A drupal page to serve the page to users
Refer to the PoCDART Building your first project page for more details.
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